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Steve Darrow - has a birthday today.
Jul 20, 2024 at 4:33 AM
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Nat Holmes - posted a message.
Nov 07, 2018 at 3:35 PM

Hi Connie,It was great to see u at the reunion.Just wanted to bring up the fact that I Graduated from Franconia College with a degree in fine arts mostly sculpture (welded steel some bronze casting. (built my own foundry)Thought that it was interesting that the subject never came up.What kind of books did u publish?Talk soon?


Nat Holmes - added a photo to his profile gallery.
Oct 03, 2018 at 3:22 PM
Sep 14, 2018 at 4:33 PM

We met in grade school.  Everyone always emphasized her looks but she was one smart cookie and a sweet person.  Always popular but sometimes shy, I think of Jodie often when remembering school.

Connie Stanley Vickery has left an In Memory comment for Ten Schmidt.
Sep 14, 2018 at 4:33 PM

Ten is another longtime friend.  We were in a lot of classes together and I knew his brothers from orchestra.  He was so talented in so many ways.  Ten wrote beautifully as well as being a musician.  His dry sense of humor and love of irony cemented our friendship. 

Steve Darrow - changed his "Now" picture.
Aug 10, 2018 at 9:42 PM
Steve Darrow - changed his profile picture.
Aug 05, 2018 at 1:58 PM
Coby Turner - posted a message.
Mar 16, 2018 at 4:13 PM

I long to see the water molecules form on your cute little nose.

Connie Stanley Vickery has left an In Memory comment for Ellen Souden.
Feb 21, 2018 at 4:33 PM

Ellen was a dear and loyal friend.  The two of us met at South School Elementary and remained friends through NCHS and beyond.  Ellen's compassion for others made her a sensitive soul, too tender for the vagaries of life.

On the playground at South we used to play tetherball tenaciously in long running matches that lasted weeks at a time.  Ellen's notable athlethic abilities were often seen in the tournaments run by the NCHS Girl's Sports department before school.  We continued and expanded our friendly competition throughout the year in gymnastics, badminton, fencing and other sports.

Ellen's agile mind often picked up glints of humor that passed others by.  That's only one of the enduring qualities that endeared her to me.  Right before graduation she provided a safe haven for me when I needed it most.  My longstanding regret is that I could not do the same for Ellen after her boy friend died in Viet Nam that summer of 1971 when the war was already lost.  Both their deaths became part of the tragedy of that war.