Jeffrey Eric Rahn , 63 years old, of Pflugerville, TX, passed away and joined his beloved wife on August 26, 2013. Jeffrey dedicated his life to family, The Church, The Fellowship and to his profession of helping others. He was Married to Laura Ann Warner on July 2, 2001. Jeff is survived by his children: Heather, Joseph, Zackary, Austin and Layla. He is also survived by his grandchildren: Christina, Nicole, Roman and Laura Ann. Sister: Judy, "Brothers": Gary Fallon and John Ruben. Niece: Shannon. Please join the family in a memorial for Jeffery on Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 1pm. Seminary of the Southwest 501 E. 32nd Street, Austin, Texas 78705.
Charles Matheson
This memorial was submitted by Eric Norrington, here is what he had to say about Jeff:
"I don’t know if you remember Jeff. He started at Center School in first grade with John Mucci, Mike DiScala and me in the same classroom. He moved to Wilton-I think it was-during Saxe.He and I reconnected a few years ago and I would meet him for dinner in Austin."