Aimee (note spelling) & I were friends from 6th grade in St. Aloysius, when my family moved to NC. She was the spunkiest girl I ever met! We had a tight group of girl friends who had lots of slumber parties, met at Saturday movie matinees in NC (sometimes meeting our boy friends, too), and lots of "boy~girl" parties. Right, John Doscher? A good number of us went on to NCHS, including Aimee. I don't remember exactly when in high school her family moved away, I believe to Old Lyme, CT. We got together a couple of times in New Haven, when I could talk my Dad into dropping me there on his way to work. But life carried on and we lost track of each other. Many years ago I heard that she had died in a flying accident. The story went that she and her husband were both pilots. I don't know if her death was work related, but seem to recall the informant commenting that she had went doing what she loved the most in the world. Obviously, flying.
Susan Hall (Horn)
Oh no! This is awful and so sad. Just terrible.
Joan Randall (Hunziker)
Aimee (note spelling) & I were friends from 6th grade in St. Aloysius, when my family moved to NC. She was the spunkiest girl I ever met! We had a tight group of girl friends who had lots of slumber parties, met at Saturday movie matinees in NC (sometimes meeting our boy friends, too), and lots of "boy~girl" parties. Right, John Doscher? A good number of us went on to NCHS, including Aimee. I don't remember exactly when in high school her family moved away, I believe to Old Lyme, CT. We got together a couple of times in New Haven, when I could talk my Dad into dropping me there on his way to work. But life carried on and we lost track of each other. Many years ago I heard that she had died in a flying accident. The story went that she and her husband were both pilots. I don't know if her death was work related, but seem to recall the informant commenting that she had went doing what she loved the most in the world. Obviously, flying.
Thanks, Aimee, for being such a great friend.