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If you would like to donate to defray the cost of the Reunion, please donate in any amount and forward to our Treasurer, Joe Dillon. Make checks payable to George Dillon


•   Roger Williams (Williams)  12/20
•   R J Alexander (-)  11/1
•   Bets Radley  8/21
•   Robert Lawnsby  6/18
•   Douglas Cary Watson (-)  5/15
•   Becky Shingleton (Everhart)  11/26
•   Susan Hall (Horn)  10/18
•   Kylie Dennis (-)  8/15
•   Nathanael Greene Slater  8/14
•   Barbara Hewitt (Gates)  7/10
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
6 live in Arizona
12 live in California
10 live in Colorado
40 live in Connecticut
1 lives in District Of Columbia
22 live in Florida
6 live in Georgia
2 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
2 live in Kentucky
4 live in Maine
5 live in Maryland
15 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
11 live in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
9 live in New York
14 live in North Carolina
7 live in Ohio
5 live in Oregon
6 live in Pennsylvania
5 live in Rhode Island
9 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
7 live in Vermont
3 live in Virgin Islands
6 live in Virginia
5 live in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
2 live in France
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Honduras
1 lives in New Zealand
1 lives in Norway
1 lives in Switzerland
1 lives in Thailand
11 location unknown
58 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Since I don't believe I've ever really posted on any web site I thought as the years overtake me maybe I'd hunt and peck my way through one. I've been widowed for over ten years and am trying to keep up with grand children and my three kids. I've turned my cabinetmaking business over to my youngest son and he's doing extremely well with it and has generously kept me on the pay role even though I'm absent. My oldest grandson graduated from Princeton last May, Phi Beta Kappa, Suma cum laude and is now working for Netflix in San Francisco. His younger brother is a junior at the same school, studying psychology. Their younger brother is college hunting for the fall. I'm still in East Hampton. Still a member of our local volunteer fire department and working around the house and playing golf. Presently in Florida for the winter as the cold north east has lost its novelty for this old guy. All the best to everyone. Chris Whitney

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2024 to all!  I was looking at New on December 16 and saw the article "A History of Caroling at God's Acre".  It brings back so many happy holiday memories of attending church at the Congregational Church on Christmas Eve and then singing carols on God's Acre.  The link to the website is  It has been a tradition since 1916 and is part of what I think makes New Canaan special.  Hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I did.  Wishing you all the best in 2025.  Ann Stillman Wilson

I wish I could post more happy news!  How about filling us in about your travels, kids, grandkids, or great grandkids!  Updates on your lives!  Seen any classmates lately? We'd love to hear from you!!

Personally, my husband Bill and I are currently the grandparents of 2 boys - ages 2 and 5.  We recently spent a weekend babysitting and gained fuller appreciation of why God gave children to the young!  We'll be babysitting again for 9 days later this summer while their parents go to Europe to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Fortunately the boys will be in day care during the week so we'll have time to recharge!  Before that, during a trip to the west coast to visit our other daughter and husband who live in Portland, OR, we are looking forward to spending a few days with Wendy Westland Ayars and her husband Gary. Hoping to enjoy some of Gary's wine and fresh mussels collected off their beach on Puget Sound.

Hope everyone has a great summer.  Please keep in touch!!  Ann

Sadly, I just heard got the following email from Barb Kenyon Engle: " Pris Wells died in Anderson, South Carolina January 4.  We kept in touch always.  She had been a nurse and medical administrator with a long career in CT.  Two divorces, no children.  She lived near her sister Lisa.  I will miss her.."  Unfortunately I have no other information nor could Barb provide me with any, and as of now I have not been able to find an obituary. 

Ann Stillman Wilson

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