Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Diane Babcock (-)
Cindy Bee (Caldwell)
Maud Bessard (Breithaupt)
Laurie Billings (-)
Joan Blanchard (Kelsey)
Tim Bloom (-)
John Bradley (-)
Kathy Brown (-)
Linda Bullard (Bastedo)
Sue Burgeson (-)
Connie Calhoun (-)
Ron Comstock (-)
Sue Cross (Corbin)
Gay Crowther (-)
Gerrie Daly (-)
Pat Dascenzo (-)
Frank DelVicario (-)
Meggie Engert (-)
Mike Folda (-)
Diek Gips (-)
Debbi Griffith (Stuart)
Jr (Thomas Pratt) Gullette (-)
Stacey Hambley (Blake)
Bob Haskell (-)
Janice Hinkle (Kitchen)
Brooke Hodgson (Latimer)
Melinda Hupp (-)
Jane Johns (Deck)
Chris Johnson, Chr (Tallackson)
Bruce Jones, B (-)
Kathy Kapusta (-)
Matt Kennedy (-)
Joyce Major (Bradley)
Betsy Matthews (-)
Connie Morley (-)
Bill Mulreed (-)
Joyce Nelson (Belter)
Marcia Northrop (Giarusso)
Rick Nugent (-)
Suzanne Nuhn (Dresser)
Bob O'Connor (-)
Kathy Ogden (-)
Debbie O'Neill, D (-)
Tim O'Neill, T (-)
Liz Perry (Light)
Nancy Poole (Phillips)
Sharon Qualey (Czel)
Karen Rudder (Carpenter)
Ry Ryman (-)
Stephanie Schreiber (Sloane)
Paul Schutte (-)
Barbara Shaffer (-)
Steve Shook (-)
Joe Sillo (-)
Sue Slick (Threatt)
Diane Smith, D (-)
Chris Snyder (Trani)
Susan St. John (-)
Ted Starks (-)
Brad Starr (-)
Mike Stephanak (-)
Gordon Stone (-)
Linda Stred (Gagnon)
Rick Tocci (-)
Patricia Ward (Olmstead)
Bob Weber (-)
Peter Wenzel

Guest Members

Jim Nugent
Bill Wilson